LBM #2 Win more work, bid less
Lightbulb Moments, Episode 2: Win more, Bid less
LBM #1 Technology and digital transformation in Bid and Proposal Management
Lightbulb Moments, Episode 1: Technology and Digital Transformation in Bid & Proposal Development
Mental health – your state of mind matters
Workplace burnout is a crisis. We aren’t alone in recognising that workplace burnout is a crisis. The World Health Organisation officially acknowledged burnout as a syndrome stemming from “chronic workplace stress.”
Stellar team to steer nFold to the next level
nFold is thrilled to announce the appointment of Izane Cloete-Hamilton, as a partner in the company as of May 2021.
Keeping up with the Joneses? Create persuasive proposals to outbid your competitors
If you want to keep up with the Joneses (aka your competitors who win more deals than you do), we suggest you change how you write your proposals.
APMP SA Salary and Skills Survey
This presentation includes a detailed survey of the salary and skills in our SA APMP chapter.
The difference between success and failure
nFold is an APMP Premium Consultant and Africa’s first APMP Authorised Training Organisation (ATO).
How to write an executive summary in 30 seconds
An excellent executive summary could mean the difference between selling or sinking your proposal. It is an essential component of a sales proposal (if not the most). Yet, many salespeople don't know how to write one that grabs attention.
COVID-19 Corruption
Corruption allegations linked to the procurement of personal protective equipment (PPE) have once again put a spotlight on the country's tender system.