Why justified text is killing your proposals
7 Common Misconceptions about Bid & Proposal Professionals (and the Truth behind them)
Debunking the B-BBEE Myth
7 Common Misconceptions about Bid & Proposal Professionals (and the Truth behind them)
7 Misconceptions about Bid & Proposal Professionals
7 Common Misconceptions about Bid & Proposal Professionals (and the Truth behind them)
What the New Procurement Bill Means for You
The blog post discusses the introduction of the new Procurement Bill and what it means for you - from a Bidder's perspective.
Izane & Larissa’s story on… inspiring success
Izane & Larissa's story on... inspiring success. They are an inspiring force that brings success to those fortunate enough to work with them. Read the article by Candice Ruckstuhl from DNA-Business.
Sell the Sizzle, Not just the Steak
In her Bid Solutions "Win in 60 seconds" article “Sell the Sizzle, Not Just the Steak”, Larissa Cornelius highlights the value proposition statement as a key ingredient in crafting winning bids, proposals and pitches.
The Art of Winning Proposals: Outmaneuvering the Alternatives
Understanding the variety of alternatives available to your clients maximises your potential for victory. It is crucial to not only present a persuasive stand-alone proposal but to guide the client in making a holistic, favourable decision.
A pirate’s map to a content library treasure chest
Ahoy, mateys! Pack up ye olde sales sheets and dusty proposal drafts and set sail towards stronger salesmanship and writing. With this map, reach your ultimate goal - the Sales and Proposal Content Library.
BidSolutions: Evolution of the Bid-Slinger
Read the BidSolutions article on Evolution of the Bid-Slinger: A Maverick's Guide to Mastering the Proposal Game by Izane Cloete-Hamilton.
Bizcommunity Article: Making success repeatable in the construction industry
Bizcommunity Article: Read our article on Bizcommunity titled "Making success repeatable in the construction industry".
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