BidSolutions: Evolution of the Bid-Slinger
Read the BidSolutions article on Evolution of the Bid-Slinger: A Maverick's Guide to Mastering the Proposal Game by Izane Cloete-Hamilton.
Bizcommunity Article: Making success repeatable in the construction industry
Bizcommunity Article: Read our article on Bizcommunity titled "Making success repeatable in the construction industry".
How the Best Win
Over the past five years, over 1,000 organisations have completed the online, 100-question Proposal Benchmarker™ self-assessment. This white paper analyses what the data shows us from their responses.
Beer and Doughnuts and 7 Lessons
Starting out in the proposal industry? Margaret-Ann Vermeulen, our Success Enabler, offers 7 lessons she has learned to guide your path.
An incredible experience
Larissa and I recently attended the APMP's BPC Europe 2023 conference in Amsterdam, and it was an incredible experience.
Is it too late to say “Happy New Year”?
It's been a while since we checked in with you. If you're feeling a little overworked these days, it's probably not your imagination. I mean, it's February, and the holidays feel like they happened a year ago!
APMP SA AGM and Micro Certifications
On 26 January 2023, the Association of Proposal Management Professionals of South Africa (APMP SA) held its Annual General Meeting (AGM). As a professional body that works for its members, it is an important date to get together and ensure...
Winning the bid with APMP Certification & Proposal Masterclasses
Whether you are starting your proposal career, have years of experience, or are ready to take on certification, learn the art and science of winning bids. nFold’s fun and practical training programmes will help you win more.
Compelling content wins more work
Compelling content: The path to a win theme
Consistency and quality breed customer trust
Consistency breeds trust: Do content reviews for a quality approach