Automate your proposal responses
Get the best quality proposals into your client’s hands sooner. Automate manual parts of the RFP, DDQ, and Security Questionnaire response process with Loopio’s intuitive RFP response software.
How to implement a new RFP response software system
How to Implement an RFP System. The importance of onboarding is often underestimated. It’s a critical time for your team to shape how they want to work together and lay the groundwork for success.
How to write an executive summary in 30 seconds
An excellent executive summary could mean the difference between selling or sinking your proposal. It is an essential component of a sales proposal (if not the most). Yet, many salespeople don't know how to write one that grabs attention.
Top 10 Tips for Proposals
Top 10 Tips for Preparing Proposals with Larissa Cornelius (CPP APMP) | Win Strategist and Managing Director. If there is one webinar you watch and listen too. Don’t fall into the trap of bad proposals when tendering!
Proposal Tip – A recipe for success
To get some insight into their corporate identity and marketing messages, I look at both the bidder and the buyer’s websites before writing. This helps me to decide what fonts, colours, styles, and pictures will work in the template.
Proposal Tip – Start with the end in mind by creating a great outline
In the proposal world, this relates to creating an outline that complies with what your client wants to see in your proposal. I’ve learnt a few tricks over the years that might help you to create better outlines.