nFold and OpenGTM are proud partners. Their strategic alliance aids customers in not only winning more but ensuring that the opportunity cost per bid is reduced by better qualifying sales response opportunities of all kinds.
With OpenGTM Score, you can calculate how your company may perform on an opportunity (with data) before you approach or pursue. Ensuring that you are spending valuable resources on only the best-fit opportunities for your business. OpenGTM Score is the future of qualification, helping companies understand the quality of their bid and proposal opportunities all the while deciding on which opportunities to pursue and communicate to their teams.
Intelligent Qualification:
You will be able to understand the strength of upcoming bids and proposals with data-backed qualification assessments that help you focus on the highest-value opportunities.
Qualify and Capture:
Visualise the health of opportunities in your pipeline and qualify the value of time and money saved with OpenGTM’s Analytic Dashboard.
Align your team:
A single source of truth for all qualification evaluations and decisions, OpenGTM Score formulises your qualification and Go/No-Go decision processes.
Customise Fully:
Customise OpenGTM Score’s data-backed qualification assessments to reflect the needs of your company or industry.
OpenGTM Score’s qualification assessments are backed by data-science to optimise your win percentage. Explore your company’s bid and proposal history and understand what common factors led to success or failure. Update Patri Score with what you find to improve qualification.
Qualify and streamline:
Stop wasting time on the wrong opportunities. Position before pursuit; forecast upcoming opportunities and work to get in front of key decision makers to favourably influence RFPs.
Identify the impact of bid, capture, and proposal efforts:
Dynamically qualify your opportunity for go/no-go decisions. Implement a well-designed data-backed qualification process to ensure that the opportunity cost of pursuing the proposal is worth your company’s valuable time and money.
Uncover competitive insights and evaluate your strengths and weaknesses:
Craft proposal strategies based on competitive intelligence relative to your strengths and weaknesses and buyer pain points.
Qualification is a broken process typically. Yet it may be the most important step! Capturing winning opportunities takes time and money. To create enough time to architect winning submissions, you must diligently prioritise the right opportunities to pursue. OpenGTM delivers data-backed opportunity intelligence, enabling proposal, sales, capture and revenue ops team to pursue the right opportunities, driving increased efficiencies and win rates.
Your business lives and dies with effective prioritization. Stop burning time and money chasing the wrong deals.
Patri Score is an innovative SaaS solution powering data-backed qualification, intelligence resource investments, and improved win rates for top companies in multiple countries.